Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two Weeks Old

It's hard to believe that the girls are two weeks old today.

Both girls have had some tough days lately. They still have growing to do before they will outgrow their respiratory issues. They had also started receiving fortified breast milk yesterday and it did not sit well with either of them.

Fortunately their nurse today noticed their discomfort around feedings and spoke to the nurse practitioner who agreed that they should go back on straight breast milk for a few feedings. Once they are back to normal they will try a different fortifyer. They're going to need the extra nutrients and calories to make up for those they aren't receiving through the placenta.

Both girls did well with nonnutritive sucking today. Morgen was especially interested in the breast. So much so that when Eric was holding her later she spent a good deal of time rooting around his chest for his nipple. She was very determined and it gave us some good laughs. Sonne got frustrated fairly quickly but tomorrow is another day.

And I think that's a lesson we are slowly learning. Every day is different. Some days there are steps forward and others have steps back. Right now the biggest step back is their tiny weight gains. So many of their issues stem directly from their respective size. While they were both quite busy and fussy yesterday and last night, they seemed to have calmed down nicely by this afternoon. We are hopeful that they will have a calm night and be able to put some weight on and soon.

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