Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Ride Continues...

I think these girls are in cahoots.

Morgen is now 5lbs 12oz. She seems huge and, considering her birth weight, she actually is huge. All that's left for her to master is her feeds. Once she can manage to take all her feeds by mouth she will be able to come home.

Sonne is another story. She is an eater and regularly chugs down her full feed plus five or ten extra ccs in 20 minutes. She's currently at 4lbs 6oz which is great. Of course she is still contending with Brady and desat events. To top that off, she may have another infection and is now back on IV fluids while they run a gamut of tests to figure out what, if anything, caused her bloody stool. So far the first X-ray is normal. We are awaiting results from a CBC and, assuming she has another bloody stool, they will run a culture (why they didn't order one from the first bloody stool, I don't know). A follow up X-ray will be done during the night to see if anything has changed. If everything comes back normal, she will likely be on NPO status for a couple of days before bing started back of breast milk only.

So, here's what I think is happening...Morgen could be home in a matter of days, but she's not stepping up to the breast/bottle at all feeds. I think she's holding back because she doesn't want to leave her sister and Sonne is lagging in other areas because she doesn't want to leave Morgen behind. Unfortunately, they haven't had a chance to discuss their diabolical plans with one another. I swear if they did, both would be hitting all feeds by mouth and leaving any other shenanigans behind.

Clearly they don't know all the good things awaiting them outside the NICU.

They have two puppies who are eager to sniff them. They have a big crib to share at the foot of our bed. They don't realize that life outside of the hospital is so much better. But best of all, they will have access to mommy and daddy twenty-four hours a day.

I'm just hoping that there isn't anything serious going on with Sonne so she can get back to feeding and growing tomorrow as just IV fluids will likely lead to weight loss and she needs all the grams she can get.

And babies...I promise that we won't leave either of you behind. We want you both home as soon as possible but will take you home one at a time if that's what it takes to get you there. So let's listen to your mother Enough with these silly games. Do what you have to do to get discharged because life really does begin after the NICU.

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