Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sonne's Heart

Sonne was born with congenital heart defects: tetralogy of Fallot and atrioventricular canal defect. We had hoped that she would be six to nine months adjusted age before requiring surgery, but unfortunately that is not the case.

Ten days ago Sonne was admitted to the hospital. Various tests ruled out viral infection and also GI problems related to her reflux. That left her heart conditions as the most likely culprit.

We met with the chief pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon here who felt she was big enough for the full corrective procedure to fix both her defects. Palliative measures were ruled out as her AV canal defect seemed to be dominating the situation and the palliative measures were more apt to help her tet condition, but exacerbate the AV canal.

I highly recommend watching "Something the Lord Made" if you are interested in learning more about tetralogy of Fallot. In terms of bizarre coincedences, Eric produced this movie for HBO about eight years ago. As for AV canal defect, the septum between her heart chambers didn't form in untero. The surgeon will graft pericardium into the heart to close the hole and then also repair the valves between the chambers.

Sonne will be the first or second procedure and by this time tomorrow she should be on her way from recovery to her room in the CTICU where we will be able to see her and breathe a Hugh sigh of relief. Until then, we appreciate all the positive energy folks can send our way.

Sonne is our sunshine, as her name suggests, and we know she will come through this with flying colors. She will be in the hospital for a week to ten days and then she will be back home and back to being her happy self; snacking and growing and smiling.


  1. Thinking of you all tomorrow, Ali. Xoxoxo

  2. My best thoughts and, especially, confidence in science. Please keep us posted.
